Guaranteed Dependence
When God created man, He saw that it is not good for man to be alone (Gen 2:18). Hence, a companion was created for him. According to God, man cannot or is not designed to live a self-dependent life. Mankind has ever since developed various forms of dependency to survive in it’s social ecosystem. Based on his development of knowledge in Science and Technology, man’s dependency is dominantly getting inclined towards his inventions.
For the best of illustration, we can consider a mobile phone. We rarely find a person without this gadget these days. Our dependency over it has become intense to an extent where we cannot survive without a mobile phone. We hardly spend a day without using it, leave our homes forgetting to carry it and even go to bed along with it. Most of us are already convinced with the thought that we are helpless without it. Though it has tons of pros and applications, our dependency over it can never be compared with our dependency over God and His word.
While our dependency over God is questioned, where do we stand? Are we feeling that we are truly helpless without God and His word? The Bible says “Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, Whose hope is in the Lord his God” (Psalm 146:5). The only trustworthy source of help for us to survive is the God of Jacob. And the Bible calls those who trust in Him as Blessed (Jer 17:7). When our trust is over anything apart from God, we might seem to progress but the truth is that we are fooling ourselves. “….but when you live separated from me you are powerless” (John 15:5 TPT). We are invalid without God. Trusting or depending God is abiding in Him; staying full of Him and living in Him. Jesus said “Live in me. Make your home in me just as I do in you” (John 15:4 MSG). This is the desire of God concerning humanity.
How can we live without being separated from Christ? The Bible says that the church is the body of Christ and we are the church. If we find ourselves not being planted or rooted in a church, then undoubtedly we are separated from Christ Himself. “…Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body” (Eph 5:23). A body cannot be separated from it’s head. Meanwhile, the body receives it’s nourishment from it’s head, even as Christ does to His body, the church (Eph 5:29). We receive our help from our head, the true source Jesus Christ. He gives our essential feed in the form of His word. Because He is the word Himself (John 1:1). Hence it’s hard to imagine a life independent of the word of God, our source and strength.
If we dare to live without depending on the word of God, separating ourselves from Him and yet try to achieve something with our might, it is obvious that we get to see miserable results. Samson, the saviour and judge of Israel broke his covenant with God by exposing the secret of his strength to the Philistines. Yet he pursued unaware of the truth that his strength had departed from him. The mighty warrior who was a terror to the Philistines lost his eyes and ended up doing some kitchen duties in the prison (Judges 16:20,21). When we choose to live independent of God and His word, we are losing our strength like Samson did. Even though we strive to succeed, we suffer failure in every area of our lives. Abide in the God of Jacob, our true help. Depend on Him every time and in everything. Most assuredly, you shall progress to prosper.