
Joseph Aldrin Ministries

Garden of God

Christianity is often considered as a religious practice even among believers. But God did not design it that way. The Bible teaches us that walking with and being in Christ is more than just a religion. It is a relationship between the creator and the most valuable creation of His, man. God has designed this relationship to be the most intimate one. He wants to be a Father, a Husband, a Friend, a Helper and so on. So that man finds his best company with his creator.

When God created the first man Adam, He enjoyed him more than any other creation. He chose to spend time with him in the cool evening time of the day, walking in the garden him. God enjoyed the time He spent with Adam in the garden. Because that was the purpose of Him to create Man. To enjoy the relationship and the time with him. But the story did not end well as we are aware that Adam disobeyed God’s instruction. Adam chose to discern for himself between good and evil. This was not the desire of God, as He wanted man to be dependent on Him for everything. God wanted man to trust Him in everything. To choose between good and evil. Because to a man’s sight, many ways seem right, yet it ends up in death (Proverbs 14:12). As a result, Adam was put away from the garden and was restricted from entering it again. The garden where God and man walked around and cherished a wonderful relationship, now become empty and guarded by a flaming sword.

God the creator had been waiting to restore this relationship He had with man in the garden. He paid a heavy price to redeem it. He sent His only son Jesus Christ to be offered as a sacrifice on the cross to restore this beautiful experience of walking with man in the garden again. Now through Christ, man got back this amazing experience of listening to the voice of God walking around in the garden. But this time, the most important truth is that the garden where the Creator walks is not found elsewhere but on the inside of man. “As God has said: “I will dwell in them And walk among them. I will be their God, And they shall be My people.” (II Corinthians 6:16). And now, God has made man himself a garden where He wants to walk around and converse with him through His promises everyday. So that man shall prosper like a well watered garden (Isaiah 58:11).

God very much loves His garden experience with man. He wanted to forever protect and guard this experience. He is now very much concerned about the garden on the inside. “You are my private garden, my treasure, my bride, a secluded spring, a hidden fountain” (Song of Songs 4:12 NLT). God wants His garden to be evergreen and prospering. A garden that is watered well looks well. For this reason God has put streams of water and stands amidst it in His dwelling place (Psalms 46:4,5). We are His dwelling place and His garden where He wants to walk around.

Through Christ, the second Adam we have a beautiful experience of God walking around and cherishing His time with us, on the inside of us. He makes sure that we remain well watered and evergreen by His life giving word and presence. Let us hold on to His word and choose to set apart the cool evening hour of our day (time spent in His presence) to enjoy this glorious garden experience with our Creator.