
Joseph Aldrin Ministries

Stop fighting against God

A GPS navigation technology is very common in use these days. In fact it has become a vital part of our lives. It is a blessing among many of man’s inventions. It benefits us by directing our routes and locating destinations we desire to reach. Yet, all it can do is to direct us; not intervene in our decision makings. It’s finally us who decide to yield to it’s promptings towards our destination. There is a similar aspect with the Holy Spirit whose in us. “However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; (John 16:13a).” We ought to understand a very important truth that the Holy Spirit “guides”. He does not drag, pull or push. We have our free will to either do what is good and desirable to God by yielding to the Holy Spirit or fail to please Him by ignoring the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

If all who believe in Jesus Christ become the children of God and receive the Holy Spirit (Eph 1:13), who prompts and directs our paths, then why do most fail to listen and yield to Him? This is because some force is keeping you from yielding to Him. This force is called the flesh. Apostle Paul says “For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells;(Romans 7:18a).” You cannot find any good or anything benefiting in your flesh because it is enmity with God (Rom 8:7). Dealing with your flesh is the ultimate solution.

“For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace (Romans 8:6).” Where flesh dwells or is abound, death is found. It is the spirit that counters your flesh leading to life and peace. Because that is the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit where we receive His guidance through promptings and intuitions. We need to understand the truth that there is always a battle between this flesh and the spirit (Gal 5:17) and like in every other battle, that which is stronger dominates.

Flesh always keep fighting against your spirit to put you under the dominion of sin which wages death. The flesh is in fact the access point of the enemy to find his way into your life to ruin your well being. Hence, it is obvious that the spirit needs to be strong to win it’s fight with the flesh. This battle at the first place needs an awareness that we need not yield to our flesh because we are not debtors to it (Rom 8:12). Because Christ has accomplished the righteous requirement of law in His flesh once for all on our behalf (Rom 8:3). We are not bound to our Flesh to be directed towards whatever it leads us to. If you’re ignorant and bound to it, your thoughts circle around your flesh leading to death. “But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His (Romans 8:9).”

The verse above declares that we don’t belong to God if we are operating in our flesh. You who are born again are born of the spirit. Yet if we are not led by the spirit, we cannot live as sons of God (Rom 8:14). We will remain being children just because we believed in Him. Our heavenly father’s desire concerning us is to grow and become His sons. Because a growth-less child is a pain to any father.

Be mindful that yielding to your flesh and fulfilling it’s desires feeds your flesh and makes it dominant against your spirit. Whereas otherwise, feeding your spirit by walking according to it as sons of God will conquer your flesh. To feed and make your spirit stronger, feed yourself with the word of God which is of spirit and life. As you wake up, rise and win this fight against your flesh through your spirit, you will enjoy a life of abundance in every area. Because you will not miss out on the continual guidance of the Holy Spirit according to Isaiah 58:11.