
Joseph Aldrin Ministries

Your way to Happiness

Happy living is undoubtedly every human being’s desire and goal. Everyone in the face of earth strives for it. The path to find happiness according to king Solomon is to find wisdom (Proverbs 3:13). Wisdom is not to be misunderstood with knowledge and prudence. Because the abundance of knowledge is a torment to the flesh. It does not fetch the happiness you crave for. Many a times in our lives we gather tons of knowledge in various areas, yet fail to make them into real-life experiences owing to lack of wisdom. Lack of wisdom also greatly impacts the word of God becoming flesh in our lives. We might have a great knowledge in the word of God, yet may fail to experience the truth becoming reality in our lives. To make this knowledge into an experience, truth become real, an external factor or a potential is much needed. That is the Godly wisdom. Even abundance of knowledge stays useless until it is put into action. Wisdom is the power that makes knowledge fruitful. It is the supernatural power that God gives us to put our faith into action leading to the fulfilment of His promises. A man of wisdom will be prudent because wisdom brings along prudence leading to good success (Prov 8:12). King Solomon who is known to be the richest man that ever lived on this earth says, wisdom is the most valuable possession one can ever desire for (Prov 3:15). When you have wisdom, you have everything needed for a good successful life (Prov 3:16). A contented mind is a threat to receive wisdom resisting this Godly power to experience a fruitful life (Prov 3:7). “I Know” is a deceptive attitude sown by the enemy into someone who will miss out the manifestation of wisdom in life. God is generous to those who seek him for this supernatural power (Jacob 1:5). He is indeed overwhelmed to supply His wisdom to those who desire to find it. It is the Holy Spirit, the supernatural power of God who is the source or supply of Godly wisdom (Isa 11:2, Eph 1:17). If you desire for a happy living, desire wisdom. If you desire wisdom, cling on to the real source of wisdom. The spirit of God that lives in you.